colorized DKL 1

Talk about the Donkey Kong Land trilogy for Game Boy.

colorized DKL 1

Postby darklordoftech » December 28th, 2014, 7:08 am

Would you have preferred a colorized DKL I over the GBC port of DKC1? I would have because I would have enjoyed seeing DKL 1 in color and DKC 1 ended up getting a GBA port anyway.
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Re: colorized DKL 1

Postby Gaz » January 2nd, 2015, 3:44 am

The good news, although it's not a GBC port of the first DKL1 release, is that there's a color port of Donkey Kong Land III. It's exclusive to Japan, however, but our friend Blaziken257 made an English ROM hack for us (but I still love the original GB port). :)

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