by Ribbedebie
August 4th, 2010, 9:32 pm » Short link
Alright, I'm going to be annoying and say the rat is actually my favourite animal. xD I have two pet fancy rats that are really sweet. They don't bite stuff nor spread diseases, really. I know wild ones can be dangerous, but my fancy rats Flurl and Swoosh are pretty harmless. Hey, Flurl? Finally I'm on a forum on which people could recognize that name! Woohoo!
I also like skunks, hyenas, axolotls, Komodo dragons, crocodiles, pigeons, bears, raccoons, birds, turtles, snakes, and badgers. Weird choices, no? I've always liked animals that nobody seems to like, really.
I don't really dislike any animal. Maybe wolves. They're so immensely overrated. People claiming they're misunderstood? Sure, they're cool, but... Ever seen a snake? Those are WAY more misunderstood. :/