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PostPosted: August 1st, 2014, 3:32 pm
by Markster
My dad saw a 4K television at Walmart recently, he said it looked better than looking out a window, what do you think about this new standard for TVs and monitors? :krool:

I think in most cases it's a waste but it really depends, I'm still rocking a 720p TV and a 900p PC monitor, and I'm of course still playing SNES games such as DKC. (Which are in 256x224)

Re: 4K!!!

PostPosted: August 11th, 2014, 7:09 pm
by Rux Ton
I have yet to see a4K yet, BUT I can guess it's amazing bahah!

I mean its crazyy how much better and better they are. Seems like each year they get better and better. Honestly I enjoy watching agood HD movie, or like playing my SNES games, or even running my laptop or PC through it for casual use with making music etc.

Ugh I want a 4K :dixiecry: