Thanks for posting a scoring breakdown, Mattrizzle; it's great to have that for reference.
I haven't played this version of the game in a while, and I don't recall my scores. I think I was always more interested in seeing how far I could get (which I also can't remember
), but I do like having the score tracked as an extra challenge.
CountryFan wrote:I placed an Enguarde crate in Jungle Hijinx
[...] had to jump on it twice to break it,
couldn't do it at all!
Ah, interesting experiment! That is very peculiar... the only "two hits required" things I can think of in the game* are the Manky Kongs in the Japanese version of DKC, and that's with Diddy's attacks rather than DK's. I wonder if this Enguarde crate behaviour is the same in vanilla DKC...
[...] however I DID get 10 points from throwing a barrel at the crate.
Presumably that'd be more to do with breaking the barrel than the crate, though — right?
*Armys don't really count because it's not about the number of hits — it's about the Army's current behaviour.