You've seen that TAS of DKC, by Tompa?
He does Jungle Hijinx, then does that thing with the map where it warps him just past the midpoint barrel in Orang-Utan Gang.... but then, he enters a bonus stage in Orang-Utan Gang, but then somehow, when he exits the bonus stage, he ends up at Manic Mincers. So essentially, he's on the map in Kongo Jungle, and then you never see the map until Chimp Caverns, as it's like Orang-Utan and Manic Mincers is a single stage.
Can anyone explain how this happened?
By explain, I mean, is it possible to explain what causes you to warp to Manic Mincers, or to any stage? E.g. Temple Tempest -> Jungle Hijinx?