Stuff reappearing in Hornet Hole?

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Stuff reappearing in Hornet Hole?

Postby Kiddy14 » May 2nd, 2008, 11:16 am

Well, today I went to Hornet Hole, and since I don't consider it a minor glitch, I'll tell you here:

I went to grab Squitter and started to do random stuff. I killed all the spinies and the zinger above the ^ barrel. I turned back to the hook leading Squitter, and noticed you couldn't grab it if Squitter was near you. Blah blah. Then I thought, will it work back if I loose Squitter? Then I left Squitter under the hook and went to the next hook in the level, then I returned to the hook leading to Squitter and found me able to grab it again. Ok... mmm... Then I returned to the barrel and noticed a zinger was missing, the static one after the moving one. I found it strange and then I lost Diddy. I grabbed the DK Barrel and went to the left. I returned to the right near the barrel. But noticed another zinger was missing, I found it weird and returned to where the DK barrel was and found it again! I killed Dixie and went to it with Diddy, then I killed Diddy and went to it with Dixie, and it was there again!

I recorded a 3gp video with my mom's cellphone, but unfortunately, my cellphone is just recharging because is the only one that I can connect to the computer. If anybody has a video player that can play 3gp videos, like RealPlayer or Quicktime, I'll post the video in the next few hours ;)

EDIT: 3gp is not allowed in the forums, I'll just upload it here:
DKC_barril_glitch.3gp (689 KB)
Sorry for the hyper-mega-super bad quality. It was my mom's bad-recording-quality cellphone or nothing xD
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Re: Stuff reappearing in Hornet Hole?

Postby Kiddy14 » May 11th, 2008, 10:56 am

Hey guys! I just recorded a better quality (I hope), 3gp video ¬¬ yeah, you need Real Player or Quicktime, or just download the video in your mobile and play it! =D
Anyway here it is:
MOV00141.3gp (1.2 MB)

I managed to trigger it again! Yeah, there's something I'm doing... problem is what it is ¬¬
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Re: Stuff reappearing in Hornet Hole?

Postby Kiddy14 » July 22nd, 2008, 6:37 am

I recorded a YT video! Now you all can see it without worries ;)

Here it is!

Tell me your opinions! :D
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Re: Stuff reappearing in Hornet Hole?

Postby Kiddy14 » September 1st, 2008, 12:04 pm

Ok, now I noticed...
when the 2 zingers dissapear and you get the Banana Coin and inmediatily enter the barrel; for some reason when you get upwards the banana icon dissapears, leaving just the number count. Continuing through the level, when the next Spiny appears a glitchy sprite would appear in the top of the screen. So when you reach the next honey walls (after the N), a 22 would appear where the glitchy sprite was.
I don't know why this happens, but I can see this area is pretty much messed up... :D
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