Pot Hole Panic - Oversight

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Pot Hole Panic - Oversight

Postby ShaneM » November 20th, 2013, 5:41 am

I believe that I have found a small oversight at the end of Pothole Panic, which Rare was unaware of:


(That's a picture of the area using the European version. It works with the USA and Japan versions as well.)

The quirk must be accessed using the code: TUFFER (GBA) or TUFST (SNES)

When you're on that level, lose a Kong. Then, when you get to the point where you see the barrel (at the end, where Squitter is), Ellie is unable to make it to the barrel, even if you jump off of her.
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Re: Pot Hole Panic - Oversight

Postby Gaz » November 21st, 2013, 1:35 pm

Yes! I now have more ideas on how I can improve my possible future DKC2 GBA and DKC3 GBA bugfixed versions! :D Thanks for this interesting find. :banana:
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