Music: Pokey Pipes

Talk about the Donkey Kong Country 3 port for GBA.

Music: Pokey Pipes

Postby Kowbrainz » March 5th, 2008, 5:38 pm

Although a heck of a lot of people whined about Mr Wise's new tracks in the port over the classic ones Eveline made in 1996, I think this is probably the only one I prefer to its SNES counterpart. And by prefer, I mean I adore it. Mill Fever has been done fairly decently, but this track is just tops.

I haven't actually seen any videos on youtube which have the music loud enough in them, or anything on esnips or anything, so if you haven't heard it yet, download the ROM, go to the options -> cheats menu and type in MUSIC and you'll find it there. I'd love to see someone rearrange the track someday so it doesn't continue to suffer from the limited channels and musical capacity of the GBA's sound... so just have a listen if you haven't already and see. Cheers.
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Re: Music: Pokey Pipes

Postby Qyzbud » March 5th, 2008, 7:27 pm

Pokey Pipes was my favourite track in DKC3 on SNES... I'll have to take a listen to the Wise man's replacement before I call you a stupid-head, though... ;)
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Re: Music: Pokey Pipes

Postby Kowbrainz » March 5th, 2008, 8:17 pm

Woah, seriously?

I would have put Cavern Caprice.... and whatever the factory, tree and clifftop levels' music were called before the original pokey pipes. I'm not saying the song's bad... just personally there are a lot of songs in DKC3 that are better.

Both versions are the tune are good, but the GBA just has a great percussion beat in the background that you have to love.

Or hate, possibly. I hope not, though. :P

Edit: Here ya go... along with another DKC3 gba glitch >_<

Come on, compared to this?
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Re: Music: Pokey Pipes

Postby Qyzbud » March 5th, 2008, 10:34 pm

What can I say... I guess I'm a sucker for dark n' moody music. I like the tree music, a lot, too.

Thanks for the link, that GBA music is really edgy, industrial stuff. I dig it, and I love the subtle melody at 0:24 on that vid. The echoey pipe sounds are great in it, too. The gritty style fits the pipes nicely enough in theory, but I think it's a bit out of place because both of the levels with the pipe music are slow-paced ones. The SNES version's style suits the lost-in-a-maze feeling of the levels, and the tempo is just right for the speed of play. Ironically, perhaps the GBA track would have been the perfect music for Demolition Drainpipe.

Great sounding track though. I think it would be ideal for the factory levels. I'm not sure what the new Nuts and Bolts (factory music) sounds like... not an adaptation of Kashmir this time, I bet. Back to the GBA's Pokey Pipes; It actually sounds a fair bit like an original track I was working on a while ago. Mine wasn't quite as compositionally polished, but the general sound is similar. Another similar sounding track is Glacius' theme in Killer Instinct 2 (and KI Gold).
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Re: Music: Pokey Pipes

Postby Kowbrainz » March 5th, 2008, 11:57 pm

There is a level within the GBA's new world, pacifica called Dingy Drain-Pipe which is a little faster than Low-G Labyrinth and Poisonous Pipeline which the music really suits in my opinion... but that's about it. You're certainly right about the maze-sort of feel, though.

New Nuts 'n' Bolts? Meh. The new music for Demolition Drainpipe was pretty average too (lol, they titled it "Jangle Bells" instead of hot pursuit on the music select screen XD)... especially since the toboggan's moving so slow. :roll:
I think the inferior sound of the GBA to the SNES has a part to play in why the new soundtrack isn't as good on people's ears. That and nostalgia of course.
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Re: Music: Pokey Pipes

Postby cfh » March 6th, 2008, 6:41 am

I actually like most DKC3 GBA tracks over the SNES ones, but there wasn't enough, some music was re-used where it shouldn't have been.

And that video reminds me of another glitch I found in DKC3 GBA :shock:
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Re: Music: Pokey Pipes

Postby Kiddy14 » March 14th, 2008, 2:34 pm

I just asked dsguy411, YouTube username, to post the Pokey Pipes theme from DKC3 =D Hope he can =) Though his videos have some kind of recording error, like a pitching sound every second, but I don't think it's too bad.

by the way, I just saw that the first video you posted Kowbrainz is one of mines =D Yay! And you commented in it! X)

EDIT: He uploaded it!!!!!! Here's the URL to the Pokey Pipes song! =)
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