Phyreburnz wrote:I was wondering what was the favorite between the three games. What are your likes and dislikes about each game? Why did you choose what you chose?
Banjo-Tooie is my favorite without a doubt. The game as a whole is the epitome of charming. From the ABSOLUTELY ENCHANTING Grunty Industries to the ever-so-lovely Hailfire Peaks... TO the town square of Jolly Roger's Lagoon... the game really has everything I could ask for.
Banjo-Kazooie+ wonderful cast of characters
+ creative, clever dialogue
+ smooth animation
+ melodically delicious audio
- the worlds are a bit too simplistic, in general
- game is relatively short
- some of the Jiggies are annoying to get (hi Mr. Vile)
Banjo-Tooie+ beautifully luscious worlds
+ plenty of things to do
+ a slew of useful moves
+ even better music than Banjo-Kazooie (
in my opinion)
- game can be a bit laggy at times (for example, when you're flying in the Hailfire Peaks' lava side)
- it can be hard to remember what you did in each level
- I don't like Humba Wumba
Donkey Kong 64+ amazing atmosphere
+ creative design
+ elements from the DKC series (the helper Kongs, Zingers, Krushas, Mine Carts, etc.)
- collecting absolutely everything can get really tedious
- Beaver Bother
- Beaver Bother
- Beaver Bother
- Beaver Bother
- Beaver Bother