Mickey's Racing Adventure

Talk about other games developed by the creators of Donkey Kong Country.

Mickey's Racing Adventure

Postby m64m » September 25th, 2012, 1:25 pm


Before Mickey's Speedway USA, there was a little game called Mickey's Racing Adventure.
This was one of the first games I ever owned, and boy did I love it. I can still take a few hours to sit down, and 100% the game.

It had racing.
It had adventure.

It also had this badass set of mini-games where you'd collect bones as Pluto in these underground puzzle stages.

I know it's Mickey, and it's childish, and whatever. I still think it's a solid racing game, considering the abundance of Disney splattered everywhere.
Have you/would you consider playing a game like this?
Alternately, does the top-down RC racing style need to come back, or stay in the 20th century?
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Re: Mickey's Racing Adventure

Postby Super Luigi! » September 25th, 2012, 1:32 pm

I for one would give this game a chance and wouldn't think anything of the top-down racing format. You say that it has solid gameplay, so I consider it playable.
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Re: Mickey's Racing Adventure

Postby m64m » September 25th, 2012, 11:57 pm

The sequel, Mickey's Speedway USA, has worse handling. It definitely takes time to get used to both games though.
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