Less likely Characters for DKCR

Talk about Donkey Kong Country Returns for Wii, developed by Retro Studios.

Less likely Characters for DKCR

Postby Jomingo » August 15th, 2010, 9:52 am

We all know (at least, I know) that Cranky, Funky, and Rambi are guaranteed for DKCR. There are a lot of great characters that we have no evidence either way of their inclusion. Here we can discuss what characters we want to see that aren't as likely.

As for my suggestions, I'd say: Winky the Frog and Squitters for animal buddies, though Squitters is very unlikely. If they're going for a DKC vibe I'd go for Winky immediately, he's the most natural and jungly looking of the animal buddies, and he's useful too. Sure, they'd have to fix his physics a bit, but he'd be great to see. Also, Swanky Kong, and Rock Crocs. I know they aren't including Kremlings, but Rock Crocs aren't really kremlings, and they're awesome.
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Re: Less likely Characters for DKCR

Postby DK4Ever » August 15th, 2010, 1:03 pm

Ok so we're talking about characters that don't have the same chances Cranky, Rambi and Funky do, but still might have the slightest chance of appearing?

- Well, I'd say Squitter is one of my must-haves, but he's Squitter and not Rambi or Squawks, so he's less likely to show up.

-The Brothers Bear (Or at least a few of them). I really liked their addition in DKC3, they really added a different feel to the game than the previous two had, and some of their dialogue was just awesome so I'd really like to see them again, hopefully Retro feels this, but it's not likely, especially since they're probably going for DKC1, maybe a bit of DKC2 feel with this.

- Manky Kong. Yeah, it's a really, really odd request I think, but I thought Manky was an interesting enemy, and always wondered what the deal with that dude was. I'd really like to see him in another DKC game, since we haven't seen him since the first one, and hey this is a good opportunity for this.

Well, that's all I can think of off the top of my head, I'll probably think of s'more.

And I REALLY wish other folks would post in these threads we're making, a forum discussion with 2 people can only go so far.

Regardless of what you guys think, you can at least pretend to be thinking positively, and give this a go :)
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Re: Less likely Characters for DKCR

Postby Scraps69 » August 15th, 2010, 1:06 pm

I think Swanky is definitely out to get cut. Candy is a bit iffy but I hope she makes it. Wrinkly will get cut unless she serves as a level speed 'ghost'.
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Re: Less likely Characters for DKCR

Postby Jomingo » August 15th, 2010, 1:07 pm

Yeah, I wish this forum would've picked up as much as the DKU did once DKCR was revealed. We're still pretty dead here.

EDIT: Also, Arich. Jesus an Arich battle while riding Squitter are the kinds of things I have wet dreams about. Along with, you know.... girls and stuff.
Sage of Discovery
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