1. On a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 being the maximum, how would you rate your satisfaction with this game?
95 points.
2. How satisfied were you with this game?
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Extremely dissatisfied
3. Now that you have played Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, how does it compare with what you thought it would be like before you purchased?
(Please select one answer)
Much better than I expected
Somewhat better than I expected
About the same as I expected
Somewhat worse than I expected
Much worse than I expected
4. What did you like about the game, or why were you satisfied with the experience?
I liked how DK, Diddy, Dixie, and even Cranky were all stars of the show. The levels were fun, especially Jelly Jamboree, and the music was and is absolutely phenomenal. Hard Mode was much better in this game than the Mirror Mode of Donkey Kong Country Returns, considering the levels here weren't backwards, and I could choose any Kong I wanted.
5. What did you not like about the game, or why were you dissatisfied with the experience?
I didn't and still don't like how most levels self-destruct. I'm starting to think Retro Studios has an obsession with that. Oh, and I don't like Time Attack or the Puzzle Pieces either. At all. Sure, the IDEA of speedrunning is great, and I love the concept art, but whatever happened to the bonus rooms containing prizes that lead to the Lost World? And while I'm at it, why on Earth must I be forced to play as DK, while Diddy, Dixie, and Cranky get demoted to mere power-ups, except, of course, when another human plays? Was there no other incentive to play Hard Mode? Oh, and why Scrooge McCranky as the fourth Kong and not Kiddy?
6. Based on your expectations prior to playing the game, what do you think about the amount of content in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze?
Just about as much content as I expected.
7. How difficult was this game to you?
Just right.
8. Was this game easy to control?
Extremely easy.
9. How satisfied were you using the Wii U GamePad when you played Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze?
Extremley satisfied. (You know, when I was playing by myself with the GamePad as the display and controller.)
10. How many people in your household play this game?
11. How likely is it that you would recommend this game to somebody?
Extremely likely.
12. Have you already recommended this game to somebody?
Then, after some random questions that don't reflect my opinion of the game...
16. Please tell us in your own words any other opinions or thoughts about this game (500 character max)
The game itself is great. The levels are fun, yet destructive, the music is great, yet sometimes too remixy, and the challenge is always present. In essence, this game could have been far greater than it is. I remember when you, Nintendo, and Retro Studios proclaimed that you were making a better Donkey Kong Country. At that moment, you were destined to fail. Retro started corrupting the DKC formula back in Returns by taking out K. Rool, Kremlings, and Kongs. I hoped this game would fix that, but I was sadly mistaken. If Retro ever adds yet another installment to THEIR DKC series, they must study the ORIGINAL trilogy if they ever hope to find and emulate TRUE greatness. Call me Cranky Kong, but I know quality when I see it.