Favorite Bonus Level

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Favorite Bonus Level

Postby OneOf99 » December 8th, 2015, 1:15 pm

There is a load of bonus levels in DKC (obviously, I'm not here just to declare that). Some of them are good, some of them... are not. But there are always a few that stand out and rise above the rest. Here are my favorite bonus levels:

-Krosshair Bonus (DKC3): This one is amazing because it actually lets you play as an enemy, which pretty much confused me at first. Where did Squitter go? :o
-Haunted Hall Double Bonus (DKC2): I like this one because the first bonus is easy to get to, but the second bonus requires seemingly out of bounds tricks to access. Really creative, Rare!
-Kannon's Klaim DK Coin (DKC2): This bonus irritated me when I was looking for the DK coin. First, you go to a secret area, and then you have to seemingly fly off screen. Not something one tries when there is a time limit!

Post your favorites here too!
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Re: Favorite Bonus Level

Postby CountryFan » December 9th, 2015, 4:48 pm

What about the double bonus in Oil Drum Alley?
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Re: Favorite Bonus Level

Postby Tompa » December 9th, 2015, 9:11 pm

The second bonus in Orang-utan Gang (DKC). It made it possible to beat the game in 8 minutes, because it's the only bonus room in the game with a grabable DK barrel.

Probably a rather odd reason to like a bonus level :D.
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Re: Favorite Bonus Level

Postby OneOf99 » December 10th, 2015, 7:44 am

CountryFan wrote:What about the double bonus in Oil Drum Alley?

Well that bonus was interesting, but not one of MY personal favorites. You can list it as yours, after all!
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