Recently, in the Donkey Kong Country 2 speedrunning community, a user named BlueImp shared a cheat discovered by h4v0c21 that allows you to exit any stage at any time, whether it's completed or not. It works on 1.0 and 1.1 versions apparently.
To use the cheat, pause the game on any stage and press the following combination:
Right + Y (at the same time)
Left + A (at the same time)
Up + B (at the same time)
Down + X (at the same time)
It seems like this might have been a debug feature used by the programmers during development. Some users on Twitter are speculating that this cheat could have been documented in old magazines like Nintendo Power or EGM, but I haven’t been able to find any evidence of it there (maybe I’m not searching the right way). The odd thing is, this cheat appears to be undocumented and fairly obscure. I’ve checked through old FAQs and cheat lists online, but I haven’t found any mention of it. Also I asked Chris Sutherland about this but maybe he's not going to answer me (after all, I'm a random user).
So, is this really a fresh discovery? A lot of websites are picking up on it, but I still have my doubts about whether it’s truly new.
What do you all think? Hugs!