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Show it some love!
December 19th, 2011, 2:30 am
by The Banana Bird
Hey guys! I have heard such great music for DKC2. It has the greatest music in the whole series! Sticker Bush Sympothy is the most looked at song in the game, but do you guys remember this one? Forest Interlude, no one pays attention to it but its a great song. It makes the kloaks seem more peaceful for some reason and the ghost ropes fit with the song. It sounds creepy to some but hey, it is a great song for an enchanted forest.
Re: Show it some love!
December 19th, 2011, 4:31 am
by 7S7ui3
my favorite song
makes me remember when I was a little kid. Beautiful...
Re: Show it some love!
December 19th, 2011, 6:51 am
by The Banana Bird
Same here! I actually never played it on SNES to hear it (only on GBA) but it is great on both. SNES music is better though.
Re: Show it some love!
December 23rd, 2011, 7:28 pm
by Mayo
DKC2 has some fantastic music. Some are just given more attention than others.
It was actually Forest Interlude, not Stickerbush Symphony, that compelled me to pause the game to listen to this masterpiece when I first got to Gloomy Gulch.
Re: Show it some love!
January 11th, 2012, 1:50 pm
by Super Luigi!
Oh believe me, everytime I go out at night for events such as Halloween, I always blare the Forest Interlude and it fits the mood perfectly! No need to worry, I love the track.
Re: Show it some love!
January 12th, 2012, 8:28 am
by The Banana Bird
It seems that everyone just praises StickerBush Sympothy. It is the best but this, and much more songs are the best. That seems like it must fit that sort of mood pretty much!
Re: Show it some love!
January 12th, 2012, 2:56 pm
by Super Luigi!
Exactly, all the songs have their own place and special talent. Take Hot-Head Hop for example. I hum that whenever I take long walks, because the walks remind me of the long balloon rides in DKC2. Most people probably like Stickb(r)ush Sympthony because it reminds them of days gone by.
Re: Show it some love!
February 13th, 2012, 1:39 pm
by DKCFan188
I love that music! It's great and is relaxing!
Re: Show it some love!
April 2nd, 2012, 4:39 am
by Ribbedebie
I really like all tracks. My favourite is Mining Melancholy, it perfectly fits the mood of the levels. And Jib Jig. And Forest Interlude. And Krook's March.
I can go on for hours about this, honestly..