Hello Qyzbud, and everyone.
First, thank you for your warm welcome, and for your compliments about my work. I had done it in French and put it in a txt file, and when I discovered dkc-atlas I just thought I'd take a couple of hours this afternoon to translate the whole thing into English. That was done quickly, so there must be English or typo mistakes in it.
By the way, I can also give the location of any other DK barrel in the game, I made an inventory of them and that's why I can say there are 132 of them, counting the 8 bosses. That's how I found that 4 of them are INVISIBLE, so they could be missed easily when counting.
If I understand, Qyzbud, you are the author of this web site. I just fell upon it yesterday, and loved it : I immediately recognized in it my own way of apprehending Nintendo and Rare games, and especially the DKC trilogy. Detail, precision, exhaustiveness... It's all I like when I'm doing research for those games (by the way I would like to congratulate you because your site I think is the only one that tells every "end-level warp" in the game ; all 7 ones).
I am also creating video game maps ! I sometimes talked with creaothceann because his vSNES program is so great... I did world maps for the DKC trilogy. I had a few difficulties with DKC 3 ones because there are sprites, but I finished them long ago now. I can send them to you if you want. Just email me, no problem, and you can even put them on dkc-atlas... About your own maps, well, congratulations. It's an amazing job, I loved the idea to put buttons to enable / disable sprites or backgrounds. I do only static maps.
To give other examples of what I'm interested about, I figured out some times ago how the percentage works for every DKC game. Few people know that you gain 1% in DKC 2 for every Kong you visit for the first time.
I would also like to make you know about the Music Test code in DKC 1. The code actually spells DARBYDAY. I wondered what it could be related to, since every DKC cheat seems to spell something. After some research I found out that "Derby Day" (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derby_Day_(light_opera)) is the name of a light opera written by A. P. Herbert (lyrics) et Alfred Reynolds (music). I don't know if it is a coincidence, but this is by today the only explanation I've found for this cheat.
So, I don't mind at all if you use the info I gave you about the codes. The very reason why I put them on this forum is that I do want to share what I know. Before that, I was looking for a web site where I could write such things and people would be interested. I had tried to put some info on Wikipedia, but everything was removed, they are very narrow-minded when it comes to game cheats. Anyway, now I've found the place, it's great.
I am creating my own web site, although it's currently not available yet. It will be consolegames.fr. It wont be anything as beautiful as your web site, it will be esthetically very simple, and it is far from achievement since I need to find the time. But I dont want to keep anything for myself,if I can release what I know just right now, it's perfect.
Last thing, I would like to ask you... at the end of DKC level 1 Jungle Hijinxs, how do you manage to be able to see the blue balloons and the barrel so well ? Even with your PAR code with the camera at the maximum (7E1A 4C00), I can't see them as entirely as on your level map, I only see a very little bit of the barrel.
Edit : With 7E1A 4DFF it's much better, I can see the barrel almost as entirely as on your map, but the graphics is a bit messy (all red) and I think we can see a bigger part of it on your map. Please can you detail the procedure you followed ? Thank you very much !