Level Summaries

As there will be at least 33 of these created before too long, it's probably a good idea to have a board dedicated to the Level Info pages of DKC Atlas. Post your ideas in here!

Level Summaries

Postby Qyzbud » August 18th, 2008, 3:51 pm

There are many Level Info pages which don't yet have summaries written for them. If you would like to submit your own summary for one of these levels, or have suggestions to improve any of the current summaries, please post here.
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Re: How you can help the DKC Atlas project... (task list coming)

Postby Kiddy14 » August 20th, 2008, 9:41 am

Trick Track Trek's Summary section:

Three worlds after, DK and Diddy encounter another walkway'ed level to be scared of. Trick Track Trek offers the kongs a free trek around Kremkroc Industries' mines. Unfortunately, there are only a few spots where safe land can be found... and to make it worse, it is kremling infested! The first part involves dodging Neckies, Mini-Neckies and Perched Neckies, along with their nuts. While the second part involves large groups of kremlings trying to make the kong's journey a lot more desperatly and dangerous. The whole level involves primarily standing in the moving platform. Be careful though, a bad jump can end in falling through the mines prepitice!

It may need some re-formatting, re-writing or some other stuff to make it better =)
The thing is that I omitted words and sentences. Or had to change some of them; I can't seem to get the same result in a sentence written in 'spanish' than in english... -_-
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Re: How you can help the DKC Atlas project... (task list coming)

Postby Kiddy14 » August 24th, 2008, 2:31 pm

Vulture Culture Summary section:
Diddy and Donkey are now inside the first part inside the woods. Vulture Culture is, as the name suggests, vulture infested. This level marks the first appearance of the Mini-Neckie, another Neckie variant which is small, but yet can shoot small dangerous seeds. Small blasting sequences can be found and used in advantage. But one must be careful, as past the midway groups of zingers can be found aiding the vultures to stop the kong's progress. This is the only level to not feature any single kremling.

I'm not sure about the Kremling part though. Needs more info.

Ice Age Alley Summary section:
Starting where Snow Barrel Blast left off (a big windy snow-y storm) the kongs now continue their travel through the slippery mountain. There are no barrel blasting sequences this time though, as the kongs get to use the Swinging Ropes and Tires to move through the perilious mountain. Manky Kong also makes his second appearance; he is now more dangerous, as the slippery hills make it more difficult to evade his barrels. Mini-Neckies, Neckies and Klaptraps also invade the place. Though no worries, as just at the beginning, Expresso is able to help the kongs traverse through dangerous places, not to mention he is the only one able to get one of the bonuses. Only one Kritter can be found in this level.

Seems to be too fast.

NOTE: Anybody wanting to help can add info to these rough drafts =)
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby The Guy » November 28th, 2008, 9:49 am

Does this include DKC2 and 3?

Anyway here's Lakeside Limbo's summary...

After exploring through two islands, the trilogy ends up in the Northen Kremisphere! Being located in Lake Orangatanga this level has some water in it, as it has water in it. Sneeks, Kobbles, and a lone Booty Bird populate this level, yet they arean't much of a problem. ELlie is also used for the first time, yet she only can be ridden on in a small portion of the level.

Bah... I'll need to practice on writing these...
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby Qyzbud » November 28th, 2008, 3:16 pm

Sure, this topic can be for level summaries for all three games. Thanks for your submission — it does need some work, but it's a good start.

I'm trying to figure out a good balance between being factual and story-like, so I will probably be changing practically all of the summaries I have written so far...

What do you guys think? Should the summaries be more factual, more story-like, or an even balance of both? The idea of the summaries is to give a pretty clear reminder (or introduction) of what each level is like.
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby The Kirby » November 29th, 2008, 6:29 am

I think being story-like would be more colorful and interesting to read, and be rather apt for a website focused on the concept of an atlas, where the explorers describe the details of the level through their own eyes.

I don't know about a factual summary so much. In practice it might sound like a good idea, but I think most people who'll check out the site will eventually look at the level maps anyway, since that's the unique appeal of the site, which will render the summary a bit moot in the long run. A story-like summary would make people more likely to read it, similar to the playthrough story summary that was in Riven: The Sequel to Myst's player's guide (which was one chapter before the actual walkthrough in the same guide.)
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby The Guy » November 29th, 2008, 7:52 am

Hmmm.... 'K.

Here's a better one, and it's for Gusty Glade...

Trekking across Gloomy Gulch, the Kongs end up in another eerie forest known as Gusty Glade. As its name implies, it has rather strong winds. There are also wide gaps in this level, so the Kongs will have to take advantage of the strong gusts in order to jump over the gaps. The wind can also cause problems for them, as it can sometimes blow against them or switch the directions it blows in every few seconds. Rattly can also be found in this level, just to the left of the start.
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby Gnawzooka » November 29th, 2008, 7:13 pm

The Guy wrote:this level has some water in it, as it has water in it.

:lol: Well done.
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby The Guy » November 30th, 2008, 12:45 am

Gnawzooka wrote:
The Guy wrote:this level has some water in it, as it has water in it.

:lol: Well done.


Thanks for pointing out one of my mistakes. I was meant to put "as it's a pier" instead.
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby Gnawzooka » November 30th, 2008, 11:26 am

I hate making mistakes like that. I make typos all the time... :oops: But, they are indeed quite funny. :P
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby The Guy » July 31st, 2009, 9:23 am

Here's a new level summarry, this time it's for Mudhole Marsh:

Going a little outside of the amusement park of Crazy Kremland the kongs find themselves inside another murky swamp. Here they will first encounter the Cat O' Nine Tails, which could indirectly help the Kongs if they jump onto it when it's spinning. This could make them reach bonus barrels and other items yet they'd have to be careful as they could be thrown into the marsh's water or enemies like Zingers. This level is mainly about timing jumps on hooks, avoiding Mini-Neckies and progressing areas with little land or platforms by jumping on barrels shot by Kanons. The DK Coin is located at the End Target where it requires good timing to get it. It is also the first level with a DK Coin being a prize of an End Target.
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby Matt534Dog » August 2nd, 2009, 4:05 pm

Does this topic include boss battles too? :?:

If not feel free to move this post.

Really Gnawty Rampage's summary:

After they finish traversing ropey bridges, the Kongs meet an old friend. Only this time he's REALLY gnawty, and he's on a rampage! Don't worry five hits is all it takes to reclaim more of your stolen bananas... only if you can dodge his leaps of pain.
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby The Guy » August 5th, 2009, 9:41 am

Fish Food Frenzy's info:

After the Kongs went through another waterfall they plunge into the depths of Cotton-Top Cove again, this time to meet a fish that has encountered them before... the Nibbla! However, this time it's more of an ally than an enemy, yet it is hungry. They will have to feed it Kocos so it wouldn't get too hungry or else it would attack them by biting the leading kong. They also have to avoid luring it towards a Lurchin or else it will become unsatisfied. At the end there is a unique "No Nibbla" sign. The Koin is found in the cave at the end and it can only be reached by having both Kongs.
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby nickp17 » September 14th, 2009, 8:53 pm

I realize this is an old thread but I would be willing to write summaries for every level of DKC1. I do excel in creative writing, mostly because it's my major. ;)

I realize you already have some of these done on the "Level Info" section of the site, but I would be honored to do the rest.
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby Qyzbud » September 16th, 2009, 12:11 am

Welcome back to the Atlas, and cheers for the offer - I'd love to read your creative efforts with level summarisation. Whenever you're keen to get into it, just do your thing, then post a summary or two here, and I'll give some feedback.

A word of warning... If they're really good, I might ask you to do all of them! ;)
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby The Guy » September 19th, 2009, 10:47 am

I think I'll do another, accepted or not... (Krevice Kreepers) (Well, we won't need that for a while...)

Starting to explore the snowy region of K3 the Kongs first will have to climb through these cliffs... With many Klasps who would be glad to put an end to their journey! Basically, in this level the Kongs will have to out manuever the clasping Kremlings in order to get to the top, which is high in the sky. Other than the krazy Kremlings present in this level are a few Sneeks, Buzzs, and a lone Knocka... Who is gaurding the second Bonus Barrel that is up (a little) above the ledge overshadowing the third KONG Letter, N. The first Bonus Barrel is found early in the level, just being gaurded by a quick Klasp...
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby The Guy » March 30th, 2010, 2:23 am

I think I'll revive this topic just to write more level summaries that will eventually be on the main site.

Here's one for Skidda's Row:

After going through a couple of wooden walkways and an old mill, the Kongs trek to the colder regions of Lake Orangatanga. Here, the Kongs will be greeted by the enemies with their name featured in the title- Skiddas, the slipping purple Kobbles. The chomping Krimps also make their debut here. There is also a lone Knick-Knack located in this snowy region, and if you jump onto it you'll also receive a little reward. It isn't hard to miss at all. One more thing to tell you: As the Kongs progress through the tundra a blizzard slowly gains strength. Don't worry, as they near the end the blizzard slowly stops. There are also a couple of bonus barrels that can only be reached by jumping into. They're not too hard to miss.
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby nickduffy27 » March 30th, 2010, 10:19 am

The Guy wrote:After going through a couple of wooden walkways and an old mill, the Kongs trek to the colder regions of Lake Orangatanga. Here, the Kongs will be greeted by the enemies with their name featured in the title- Skiddas, the slipping purple Kobbles. The chomping Krimps also make their debut here. There is also a lone Knick-Knack located in this snowy region, and if you jump onto it you'll also receive a little reward. It isn't hard to miss at all. One more thing to tell you: As the Kongs progress through the tundra a blizzard slowly gains strength. Don't worry, as they near the end the blizzard slowly stops. There are also a couple of bonus barrels that can only be reached by jumping into. They're not too hard to miss.

I like this one. Very descriptive. I should try these, doing these could help me improve on my writing, while I have fun.
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby The Guy » March 31st, 2010, 3:19 am

Thank you. I type these just for what you mentioned. It's nice informing people.
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Re: Level Summaries

Postby The Guy » October 9th, 2011, 6:14 am

I'm bumping this topic. Here's a summary for Topsail Trouble:

After swimming in the flooded hull of the Gangplank Galleon, the kongs climb up the ship's masts again, this time in the midst of a storm. Here, the kongs encounter many foes seen before, like Neeks, Kaboings, and Krunchas. They also meet the flying fiends, Flitters and Zingers, for the first time on the island. However, they should not be discouraged by these enemies, as they can ride the bouncy rattlesnake, Rattly, about the masts.

The first half of the level involves climbing up the masts by using hooks. Rattly can make this traversing faster with his incredible leaping, whom is available right at the beginning of the level. At the midway point, though, Rattly is lost thanks to the No Animal Sign and leaves a Banana Coin. He wouldn't have been very useful up ahead, as the only way to ascend even further was to climb on the many ropes hanging around. The kongs must be cautious, as Klingers, Flitters, and Zingers try to stop them. The Flitters could be used to get several hidden prizes, so keep an eye out for them.

I really enjoy coming up with these.
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