You'll need the Super Donkey Kong 3 editor. Select Skidda's Row and change the 8th object (red box with #8 in it) to Squirt (near the bottom of the list). Change the y digit to 255 to view all the sprites. Then, play the game and go to Skidda's Row where Squirt is and disable BG layer 2 and 3. Wait a bit and his eyelids (for some strange reason I cannot explain
) will become sprites! (In Squirt's eyelid palette). Then, turn on BG layers 2 and 3 and go farther in the level until you see glitched graphics go down the screen. Then, disable BG layer 3 and start heading back to Squirt. When you get to Squirt disable BG layer 2. He should have a new set of sprites (this seems to be at random and won't always work, plus your game will crash after the TNT Knocka
). However, if you walk away before the screen glitches up, you can see more sprites such as Kobble (which is all I've seen so far, but there's most likely more
. The first set includes K. Rool, the Kong helpers (not Cranky), Swanky's barrel (used in the credits) Dixie and Kiddy walking on the map, Banana Bird Queen's head, a spinning object, and some water (Knautilus?). The second set mainly includes baddies, BB Queen (map), K. Rool (map), Dixie and Kiddy (everything other than walking (map)), and the vehicles (map). I now have a snapshot from both sets.
- An example of the the first set.
- Super Donkey Kong 3 - Nazo no Krems Shima (J) (V1.0)_00000.png (36.18 KiB) Viewed 9770 times