Here is the storyline for Mark Adventure 2.
After Mark defeated Cody Lewis and rescued his little brother Steven, the Mark world changed a little, Mark and Wendy are in love, and Steven is back home, but Cody Lewis was planning the ultimate revenge scheme, so he stole the world's biggest nuclear weapon and then used it against the world, it killed 99.9% of the worlds population, but Mark, Steven, and Wendy lived through it because they saw it coming, they got into there bomb shelter and stayed in there till the radiation was gone, after that, they where exploring the world, everyone was dead, everyone was poisoned by radiation, but they met there first survivor in Virginia from Kentucky, he was a black kid who likes to do goofy stuff, like poop on people's gardens, and he joined the Mark clan, and it is up to you to steal the Cody Time Machine from Cody Lewis and stop this all from happening.
6/14/13 : This plot is stupid.