Thanks for teying Banjo I hope you find him fun, oh and here's some info on my new WIP.
(Post from Mugen evolution)
Now that Darkwing is released here is my newest WIP a revamped version of Fer 619's Taz now like Garfield some things are changed from the original, the sprites mainly unlike Garfield which were an improvent for sprites Taz new sprites don't look quite as good as the sprites from Snes game Taz-mania however what made me use the Escape from mars sprites was the better animation it had over the Snes game. Ahem anyway here are some changes that were already done and some that will be coming.
-Taz tornado is no longer a special move button command you just simply press y. (Holding it keeps him spinning and holding left or right lets steer in that direction.)
-New physics based the ones he had in the genesis game Escape from mars starring Taz, let's just say his jumping and falling speed is like Falco's from SSBM now.
-Taz tornado now gives Taz recoil if it hits an enemy regardless if they guarded it or not. In addition he will suffer Dizziness if he spins for too long.
- Has many more helpers now, Bugs,Daffy,Elmur,Yosemite Sam,Gossamer (Red Monster),Sylvester,Tweety,Speedy Gonzales, and Marvin while Porky Pig,Wily, and the roadrunner will be planned to be put in some of his win poses.
-Has a new level 1 super fire breath
-has new special move "eat" yes it's exactly what it sounds like.
-More details will be added as time goes by