Donkey Kong Country Youtube Lets Play

Talk about the original Donkey Kong Country for SNES and VC.
The ports can be discussed in the DKC Ports (GBC, GBA) subforum.

Re: Donkey Kong Country Youtube Lets Play

Postby Hippie » January 31st, 2013, 12:44 pm

Ooh, that cursor. Haha. I used to like LPs back in the day. But now with streaming, LPs always seem kind of forced and silly. Much nicer when you can just interact with people instead of try to go on a long monologue. Hope it goes well for ya, though!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Youtube Lets Play

Postby teamnotcrash » September 22nd, 2015, 2:57 am

Theres a benefit to streams you get interaction and a more social experience while LP's you get more of an edited and comical type of walkthrough. Both can be entertaining depending on what appeals to you.
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