Whenever your laptop works again, you should consider posting your times. If you see fit, you and I could also hold a competition to see who can get the fastest times. After all, that idea would certainly give me a reason to play Diddy's Dash again, and it might even bring more activity to this forum.Super Luigi! wrote:I made sure to surpass Cranky's times on each level, but my times are definitely not the fastest.
Super Luigi! wrote:I'll bet you did. As I said previously,Whenever your laptop works again, you should consider posting your times. If you see fit, you and I could also hold a competition to see who can get the fastest times. After all, that idea would certainly give me a reason to play Diddy's Dash again, and it might even bring more activity to this forum.Super Luigi! wrote:I made sure to surpass Cranky's times on each level, but my times are definitely not the fastest.
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