DKC Fan Dub

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DKC Fan Dub

Postby Valerius Dover » July 28th, 2014, 7:31 am

Hi there! I'm Valerius Dover, new member as of less than 15 minutes ago. Forgive me if I am posting this in the wrong section, feel free to move this topic if that is the case.

I am working on doing walkthroughs. I plan to do quite a lot of games from various franchises. I've got a lot of time on my hands, so no need to worry there. I've recently started and already recorded a full walkthrough for the SNES Donkey Kong Country on Wii Virtual Console. I will immediately follow it with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th entries. 5th is going to have to wait until I get a Wii U, obviously. :D

I'm aiming for 100% (or in this case 101%) coverage. I'm doing this a little differently than most. I have perfectly balanced the game sounds and commentary (which was recorded live as I played) so that neither overpowered the other. I'm currently editing right now, and since I've only just started, it will take a bit longer than it will when I'm more used to this.

Anyway, I'm also handling cutscenes differently. I would like to present those in their entirely rather than skipping or talking over them. So, I've opted to have all written dialog dubbed over.

So, would anyone be interested in providing voices for Cranky, Funky, and Candy?
PLEASE NOTE: This is a completely non-profit project. I am not profiting from this, other than the joy of getting to do walkthroughs. So, only volunteers.
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Kimi Kong » July 28th, 2014, 7:38 am

I'm interested~! Are Candy and Cranky the only voices available or are there others? I'm just curious. I would really like to voice Candy.
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Valerius Dover » July 28th, 2014, 7:52 am

Cranky, Candy, and Funky are the only characters with actual lines in the first game. (Although the GBA remake has more, I'll be covering that another day).

Cranky obviously has the most lines, while I think Candy and Funky only have a handful. But, every bit counts.

FUN FACT: Originally, I was also going to voice Candy, and used a voice filter. It sounded horrible. :facepalm:
My friend was going to voice Cranky with a Bill Cosby impression, and actually recorded a fair amount of lines. But, I'd like a more natural voice, considering how much dialog he has over the course of these 4 games.

Kimi Kong wrote:I'm interested~! Are Candy and Cranky the only voices available or are there others? I'm just curious. I would really like to voice Candy.

I didn't expect answers this quickly, so I don't even know how to move stuff yet.

I will be doing the sequels, so characters like Dixie, Swanky, and Wrinkly will all have lines as well. (Not to mention all the bears in the 3rd one). So, I'm definitely leaving these open as well.
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Kimi Kong » July 28th, 2014, 8:00 am

Awesome. I'm defiantly interested in voicing Candy and DIxie when the time comes.

I haven't figured out of we can send files over the forum either, although i have been here for a few years and haven't seen it happen. Just send me a private message with your email and we'll discuss things. I'm also on Skype too if that makes things any easier. Just let me know, and i'll give all the information needed. :)
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Valerius Dover » July 28th, 2014, 8:24 am

One thing I forgot to mention:

Anyone joining the fandub most be able to speak American English fluently, unless otheriwse noted.
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Super Luigi! » July 29th, 2014, 1:46 pm

Well, this certainly sounds exciting, if scary! If you need a voice for Cranky, Mr. Valerius Dover, or anyone really, I can give it a shot. Rest assured, I can inflect my voice uniquely, even if I do say so myself, and can speak the President's English well. So you've earned two volunteers so far!
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Valerius Dover » July 29th, 2014, 2:01 pm

Thanks for the warm welcome, Super Luigi! :P

As usual, just PM me for details. I can say, do whatever with Cranky's voice as long as it's not too irritating. The problem with my friend's performance (no disrespect to him) was that the funny voice he used would've gotten old, and he has plenty of lines across the DKC games (Well 1-4 at least, don't know about 5). So, I'd like something that can be taken seriously as well as funny. Kind of like Mike McFarland's performance as Master Roshi in Dragon Ball. :nicework:
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Valerius Dover » August 8th, 2014, 2:29 am

Ok, my Funky voice sucks pretty bad. :lol:

So, I'm going to make Funky available as well.
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Super Luigi! » August 8th, 2014, 12:08 pm

Well, I've already volunteered for Cranky, but I'll be happy to voice Funky if nobody else decides to. Also, Valerius Dover, did you read my E-Mail yet? I haven't received a response.
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Cody » August 24th, 2014, 8:38 am

I could voice Funky, though I'd prefer doing a stereotypical surfer/stoner voice if that works :D
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Valerius Dover » August 25th, 2014, 1:50 am

I'm sorry to say, but my project has been compromised. I've also lost the motivation to do anymore, mostly due to how long the technical things were taking. Sorry about the trouble and stuff, but I don't really have the means or time to do this. I will instead be focusing on other things, including my almost nonexistent social life.
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Super Luigi! » August 25th, 2014, 2:40 am

Now that's a darn shame. Well, if you want to quit, then go ahead. Hopefully your future endeavors don't turn out like this one!
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Valerius Dover » August 25th, 2014, 5:24 am

Yeah, I know. This isn't the first one, either. Every project I do ends up not happening because I bite off more than I can chew.

Maybe I might revive the idea once I get the proper means, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. I'm only 18 and am pretty worthless with tech stuff. I will be more active on the forum, though. Thanks for the help, and sorry for the trouble!
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Cody » August 25th, 2014, 11:52 am

Dude, no worries at all! Life should always take priority over extracurricular activities like this.

As for not completing projects and such, you're still young, no need to worry at all. You never know what the future will hold. :D
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Phyreburnz » August 26th, 2014, 9:53 am

No! DK takes precedence above life!!! Don't listen to Cody! (Nice to have you back on the forum, by the way :) )


Nah. I'm just kidding. Who knows, maybe you'll feel the excitement again and want to come back to this. Besides, it's good to focus on other things every now and then.
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Valerius Dover » August 27th, 2014, 7:07 am

Thanks for the encouragement, I guess.

I don't really see myself returning to this unless I somehow found a way to do things much faster and more effectively without being stressed out. I wouldn't say never, but it's unlikely, considering how high I was shooting.

I may do something similar in the future, though, depending on how things go.
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Re: DKC Fan Dub

Postby Qyzbud » August 27th, 2014, 4:13 pm

A sad reality of projects sometimes, but thanks for being upfront and honest about the situation.

I'll pop this topic in the Post Mortuary, but if you do decide to resurrect the project, just fire me a PM. :)
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