Sometimes you might notice strange things that happen during gameplay which aren't quite glitchy enough to be given their own thread, but are still worth mentioning and discussing... so here is the place for just such discussions!
Should I start a new glitch thread, or should I post here?
Whether a bug/glitch is minor or not is certainly a matter of opinion in most cases. If you aren't sure whether to start a new thread or not, don't worry too much; just use your best judgement based on the types of glitches which have their own thread so far, and which ones are a part of this thread. We can always shift a bug/glitch report after it has been posted (it's a simple matter to split off any post here into a new glitch thread, or to merge a new thread into this one), so don't worry too much about choosing the 'wrong' glitch/bug reporting method.
This thread began by being split away from here.
Kiddy14's bug post from the above linked thread:
I don't think the game was fully finished... There's this weird bug I like to call "Teh Never Stoping Companion Kong Bug". You know, if you have Kiddy in the lead and Dixie in the back, you were walking and stop, Dixie continues walking, then you run and stop, Dixie continues running in that place, you know, sometimes you would jump and the other kong would freeze in it's place, then you would walk, the kong would look back and forth and then follow you; also if you throw Dixie you would appear there and Dixie would freeze with her jumping sprite. It's pretty annoying, specially since it didn't happen in DKC1 and 2.
The posts below were made in response: