Progress Update: Delays, DELTA Editor Code Begins!!Although I've not had much in the way of spare time recently, I have begun work on the code for the DELTA editor. I have mostly completed the back-end that deals with DELTA file management, and I am looking forward to working on the GUI interface for the "project file" stuff.
I had to stop working in the middle of the Audio sub-engine code and fully switch over to editor development for a while. I'll be going back to working on the Audio after busy season lets up a bit, most likely.
It is important to note that
I will not be able to offer downloadable demo releases of the editor, because I will eventually be selling DELTA as a game creation tool.
However, I will still periodically post update screenshots of the interface in action, so that you guys can have some idea of where the project is at.
Game Engine can still have a few more demo releases, but I'm probably going to have to keep that to a minimum as well.
Things in real life are about to go
full-steam-ahead for me, so things will be even more delayed than before (in a couple of weeks from now).