by DK4Ever
September 3rd, 2008, 10:49 am » Short link
Well, Jomingo, I understand your sentiments, but I will say, that no, I have not been raised to think this way, I'm not even sure what the view of half my family is on this, and in my extended family, there are people EXACTLY like Sarah Palin, who I of course don't agree with.
I've spent the past 4 years of my life trying to find out who I am. Before and during parts of 10th grade, I battled with my Christian (Methodist, so really, open-minded Christian, but Christian nonetheless, upbringing. I've learned many things, learned to distrust many things, and never take ANYTHING at face value, without fully understanding things first. (And my family is still Methodist, so I differ from them in that way, already)
One of my understandings of the world, is that those with power are easily corrupted, OR, given power, they use it to force their ideals onto people. This is something I greatly fear from Sarah Palin. She's a Born-Again Christian, and to me, is Mike Huckabee (For those of you who know who he is) striking back.
I also fear, that Palin would use whatever lesser power she has, as she did in Australia, to push her religious views on the nation, as she has already done so elsewhere, such as Alaska.
Being a Pastafarian, if anyone I know (Not me, this is my last year) is forced to learn Creationist theory in a science classroom, as opposed to the actually scientific practice of evolution (creationism is not science, whatever your beliefs are, you must recognize that it is not science, and should not be taught in science classrooms)
And Jomingo, being Pro-Life (in Sarah Palin's extremist ways) means denying those who didn't ask for something like this to happen (Rape victims, incest victims) an end to a chapter of their life that may have been free, and many will also die in child birth, is this really something they should be forced to deal with, having no input themselves? Teens that have to go through with such things, will often lose their last years of youth, having to deal with a child, college parties, college sex... so many things, and why? Because of people like Palin.
And I don't think an orphan is the same thing, mate. Orphans are children that were unfortunately dumped off by their parents, after going through with the process of child-birth. Orphaned children will also at one point be able to fathom their pitiful situation, which could have been avoided, to speak truthfully. Some, if not most, orphaned children, never have good lives, or are never adopted. It would be better, in most cases, to have not lived, then to live in such conditions. Aborted Children, during the phase where they are almost nothing (first three months) have no real thought process at that point, and even if they did, would not know what was going on, or really care, when they were removed from their mother.
And really, denying the baby their choice at such a stage is not really an issue, truthfully. Like I said, Children don't choose to do most of the things they do early in their life, anyway, and again, if the mother is unfit, babies will often end up in orphanages, their life being terrible, or homeless, being shunned by society, and an outcast for the rest of their lives.
I think Palin is also very contradictory with her stance. She's against killing of something that will never know it would have been, yet she DELIGHTS in killing creatures not of her own species. That makes me VERY angry. Hypocrisy is common in politics, I suppose.
I'll just say finally about this issue, that my life is based on fighting irrationality, and illogical statements. Control of others, is something that is illogical, and should be stopped. People that take things at face value, or are riled up by single issues (mob mentality, basically) or dismiss anything one says when it contradicts what they say, without facts, are the people who trouble me.
And I understand your want to take the other side of the arguement, and I hope I've answered your questions, and clarified things for you.
And I know you support Obama, but I'm beginning to wonder, by the structure of your response, whether you are pro-life or pro-choice (As someone like Palin would call it, Pro-Death -_-) I would wager pro-life, I mean, a friend of mine is atheist, and a staunch Obama supporter, but he's pro-life. I should save this post in case we get into an arguement about it sometime, lol.