"That's like me asking, 'Dear Kelly, what's your favorite molecule of air that you've breathed?'" (Anyone who gets this reference wins a free
My favorite world would definitely be Kremkroc Industries Inc. I LOVE that place. I've always loved the idea of infiltrating enemy territory, especially when it's a factory. It's a shame there's only two factory levels in the whole game. Plus, have you seen the
Game Boy Advance world map of this place?
All those dim-lit mysterious back alleys and that shanty posion lake make an awesome hideout.
As for my favorite level, it was a tough squeeze, but I'll have to go with Stop & Go Station. This description from DK Vine will do the talking for me:
This is true terror. The dank empty mines, with the low music playing consisting of water hitting the floor and dogs barking. And the Rockrocks, the most terrifying drone enemy ever in DKU history. Their red glowing eyes still haunt many a dream.
Rockrocks are like Kremling zombies, easily the most cunning of all the Kremling species. When the Level Builder is finished I'm DEFINITLY making 'Night of the Rockrocks', nobody steal mah ah-dears!