Level Maps
Animated level layouts for the DKC trilogy
Select a level from the lists below to view its map...
Kongo Jungle
1-1 Jungle Hijinxs
1-2 Ropey Rampage
1-3 Reptile Rumble
1-4 Coral Capers
1-5 Barrel Cannon Canyon
1-B Very Gnawty's Lair
Monkey Mines
2-1 Winky's Walkway
2-2 Mine Cart Carnage
2-3 Bouncy Bonanza
2-4 Stop & Go Station
2-5 Millstone Mayhem
2-B Necky's Nuts
Vine Valley
3-1 Vulture Culture
3-2 Tree Top Town
3-3 Forest Frenzy
3-4 Temple Tempest
3-5 Orang-utan Gang
3-6 Clam City
3-B Bumble B Rumble
Gorilla Glacier
4-1 Snow Barrel Blast
4-2 Slipslide Ride
4-3 Ice Age Alley
4-4 Croctopus Chase
4-5 Torchlight Trouble
4-6 Rope Bridge Rumble
4-B Really Gnawty Rampage
Kremkroc Industries Inc.
5-1 Oil Drum Alley
5-2 Trick Track Trek
5-3 Elevator Antics
5-4 Poison Pond
5-5 Mine Cart Madness
5-6 Blackout Basement
5-B Boss Dumb Drum
Chimp Caverns
6-1 Tanked Up Trouble
6-2 Manic Mincers
6-3 Misty Mine
6-4 Loopy Lights
6-5 Platform Perils
6-B Necky's Revenge
Gang-Plank Galleon
7-B Gang-Plank Galleon
Animal Buddy Bonuses
Token Bonus: Rambi
Token Bonus: Enguarde
Token Bonus: Expresso
Token Bonus: Winky
Gangplank Galleon
1-1 Pirate Panic
1-2 Mainbrace Mayhem
1-3 Gangplank Galley
1-4 Lockjaw's Locker
1-5 Topsail Trouble
1-B Krow's Nest
Crocodile Cauldron
2-1 Hot-Head Hop
2-2 Kannon's Klaim
2-3 Lava Lagoon
2-4 Red-Hot Ride
2-5 Squawks's Shaft
2-B Kleever's Kiln
Krem Quay
3-1 Barrel Bayou
3-2 Glimmer's Galleon
3-3 Krockhead Klamber
3-4 Rattle Battle
3-5 Slime Climb
3-6 Bramble Blast
3-B Kudgel's Kontest
Krazy Kremland
4-1 Hornet Hole
4-2 Target Terror
4-3 Bramble Scramble
4-4 Rickety Race
4-5 Mudhole Marsh
4-6 Rambi Rumble
4-B King Zing Sting
Gloomy Gulch
5-1 Ghostly Grove
5-2 Haunted Hall
5-3 Gusty Glade
5-4 Parrot Chute Panic
5-5 Web Woods
5-B Kreepy Krow
K. Rool's Keep
6-1 Arctic Abyss
6-2 Windy Well
6-3 Castle Crush
6-4 Clapper's Cavern
6-5 Chain Link Chamber
6-6 Toxic Tower
6-B Stronghold Showdown
The Flying Krock
7-1 Screech's Sprint
7-B K.Rool Duel
Lost World
8-1 Jungle Jinx
8-2 Black Ice Battle
8-3 Klobber Karnage
8-4 Fiery Furnace
8-5 Animal Antics
8-B Krocodile Kore
Lake Orangatanga
1-1 Lakeside Limbo
1-2 Doorstop Dash
1-3 Tidal Trouble
1-4 Skidda's Row
1-5 Murky Mill
1-B Belcha's Barn
Kremwood Forest
2-1 Barrel Shield Bust-Up
2-2 Riverside Race
2-3 Squeals on Wheels
2-4 Springin' Spiders
2-5 Bobbing Barrel Brawl
2-B Arich's Ambush
Cotton-Top Cove
3-1 Bazza's Blockade
3-2 Rocket Barrel Ride
3-3 Kreeping Klasps
3-4 Tracker Barrel Trek
3-5 Fish Food Frenzy
3-B Squirt's Showdown
4-1 Fire-Ball Frenzy
4-2 Demolition Drain-Pipe
4-3 Ripsaw Rage
4-4 Blazing Bazukas
4-5 Low-G Labyrinth
4-B KAOS Karnage
5-1 Krevice Kreepers
5-2 Tearaway Toboggan
5-3 Barrel Drop Bounce
5-4 Krack-Shot Kroc
5-5 Lemguin Lunge
5-B Bleak's House
Razor Ridge
6-1 Buzzer Barrage
6-2 Kong-Fused Cliffs
6-3 Floodlit Fish
6-4 Pot Hole Panic
6-5 Ropey Rumpus
6-B Barbos' Barrier
7-1 Konveyor Rope Klash
7-2 Creepy Caverns
7-3 Lightning Look-Out
7-4 Koindozer Klamber
7-5 Poisonous Pipeline
8-1 Stampede Sprint
8-2 Criss Kross Cliffs
8-3 Tyrant Twin Tussle
8-4 Swoopy Salvo
8-5 Rocket Rush